Apex Instruments

Systems by Method Apex Instruments Method Specific Kits are designed to take the guess work out of assembling all the components you need to perform method specific sampling. Method specific kits do not include your meter console or pump which must be chosen separately.

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Method 5 Sampling Train

The professional source sampling company must be prepared for a wide variety of conditions and locations. Apex recommends the Method 5 System “Deluxe Plus”, which can be used in both rigid and flexible configurations.

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Compact Method 5 Kit The Compact Method 5 sampling kit features an independently heated stainless steel filter assembly (SFA-82H) that connects directly to a standard Method 5 probe.

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Method 17 Sampling System The Apex Instruments Method 17 Isokinetic Sampling System, featuring the XC-53 metering console, is ideal for collecting and determining in-stack particulate emissions from a wide variety of sources. Particulate emissions are commonly sampled from coal-fired power plants, cement kilns, asphalt plants, incinerators and industrial sources.

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Method 23 The Apex Instruments Method 23 (Modified Method 5) source sampling kit is utilized for Method 23 Determination of Dioxins and Furans (D/F’s) and/or Method 0010 Determination of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds.

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Method 26A The Apex Instruments Method 26A sampling train is used for the determination of hydrogen halide and halogen emissions. Method 26A is the isokinetic alternative to Method 26. This method is particularly suited for sampling sources controlled by wet scrubbers emitting acid droplets.

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Method 29 System
The Method 29 determination of metal emissions from hazardous waste incinerators involves a modification of the Method 5 train. The sampling train is the same as a Method 5 particulate train with the addition of up to three impingers to enhance the collection of metals of interest.

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Method 201A – Determination of PM10 and PM2.5 Emissions
Cyclones are designed for in-stack particle sizing applications.

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